QHSE Coordinator (UK)

What do you do at W.Howard?  I work across the sites in the UK ensuring we are working towards a high standard in quality, health & safety and environmental control. I assist the business with ISO accreditations. Always working towards continual improvement.


When did you join W.Howard? September 2014


What do you most enjoy about working at W.Howard?  Probably a repetitive answer that other people say, but, the people. Makes for a great working environment.


What is your Favourite Product? The Art Deco Profile from the Period Range.


What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?  Let future you worry about that


What most recently made you smile? Matthew Potts forcibly making me smile for my Meet the Team photo


Favourite Quote:  "Don't ever, for any reason, do anything, to anyone, for any reason, ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you've been, ever, for any reason whatsoever." - Michael Scott


Interesting fact about me: I am self-taught on the Piano


Favourite Place: My man cave at home, this is my fortress of solitude


What was your first job? W.Howard, straight out of college