Regional Account Manager - South West

What do you do at W.Howard? Cover the Midlands and South West assisting merchants with enquiries. Promoting the product and company.


When did you join W.Howard? July 2023.


What do you most enjoy about working at W.Howard? The family ethos runs through the whole company, there is always someone to assist.


What is your Favourite Product and why? The Shaker Wall Panel Sets look really good and they are really easy to install at home.


What’s the best advice you’ve ever received? You make your own luck.


What most recently made you smile? Having a Christmas lunch on the hottest day in July because my family are away in December.


Favourite Quote? “Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days."  Benjamin Franklin


Interesting fact about me?  Was in the Somerset Youth Orchestra for a very ,very short time.


Favourite Place? Torquay where I live, Tenerife a close second.


Favourite Book? Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy by John Le Carre.


What was your first job? Sweeping floors at Woolworths.