AM Supervisor Warrington Depot

What do you do at W.Howard? AM Supervisor Warrington Depot.


When did you join W.Howard? April 2001


What do you most enjoy about working at W.Howard? The lads I work with are fantastic.


What is your Favourite Product and why? Got to be PSE just basic, clean edged and looks aesthetically pleasing.


What’s the best advice you’ve ever received? Treat others the way you want to be treated, it is not all about yourself.


What most recently made you smile? My family nearly all grown up now and realised not done that bad.


Favourite Quote? I think life is full of challenges and problems. I do not believe that anyone is perfect, we all make mistakes, it's not a bed oof roses and you have to work real hard at it.


Interesting fact about me? Me and my wife have been together since teenagers and she still puts up with me.


Favourite Place? Tenerife


Favourite Book? Danny champion of the world


What was your first job? Delivering Milk